Thursday, April 23, 2009


So, yes, haven't published in a few days - no real excuses, haven't been too much in front of my laptop. I have been furiously cooking though! Tonight I made a berry trifle (above) when I got home, and afterwards had a Taco feast (regretting that slightly - ate too many tacos! They were way yummy though..). More news on the trifle tomorrow -I think you're supposed to let them set for a day or so. I wish I had a proper trifle dish, but it does sort of go against my minimalist principles.

I did up a Chicken and Chorizo Paella this week and Managed to keep the portions under control (I'm seeing a wonderful dietician at the moment and am learning to keep my food portions under control). For this recipe I pretty much added far more vegetable matter, far less meat. Thats my portion right there - minus the side salad. Quite filling as well. Nice with a glass of Syrah Dolcetto. On that note - does anyone know whether you are supposed to serve Syrah Dolcetto chilled?

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